Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Welcome to Politics

Quote of the day?

There will be tons of competition for this distinction as the day (and night, and early next morning) proceeds, but here's the early front-runner.

It comes from Bob Fish, a heretofore obscure Republican Party official in West Virginia, and was given to ABC News. Fish was asked to respond to the aggrieved charges of unfair play coming from the Mitt Romney camp after he lost Super Tuesday's first battle, the fight for the Mountain State's 18 GOP delegates.

The Romney backers were upset, understandably, that Mike Huckabee's come-from-behind win resulted from an alliance -- tacit or not -- between Huckabee supporters and those who initially had voted for John McCain.

Said Fish of the bellyaching: "Welcome to politics."

You can read the rest of the ABC story here.

-- Don Frederick

I might add that the help and personal integrity of the Dr. Ron Paul supporters was what got the deal rolling. I wish every Republican could have been in on the conversation when Mitt Romney's staff started screaming and calling folks lairs and other things, as they offered FIVE (5) Romney National Convention Delegates to the Ron Paul crowd for their vote....even I was taken aback. The despair, nastiness and strong arm tactics did more to help Huck than anything we could have every done on our own. Again, thank you to all the Ron Paul folks who stayed and helped.
Greg Smith said Paul supporters accepted the offer after rejecting a promise of five national delegates from Mitt Romney's camp.

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