Friday, December 21, 2007

Who Would Have Predicted This

As the National Presidential political winds blow so do ours in West Virginia. The long campaign and subsequent early commitments by many prominent Republican Party officials and office holders has made for an unanticipated situation by many in our State. As a result of Mike Huckabee's recent surge, many who have gotten on board with a candidate early now find themselves in a dilemma, stay with someone falling in the polls or go with someone else. As the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries come and go the momentum will focus on one or two individuals as will contributions.

As the West Virginia GOP Convention approaches it's still any body's guess who will win the 18 Delegates to the Republican National Convention that will be up for grabs on 5 February 2008, Tsunami Tuesday as it is being called this time. Starting 1 January and continuing through the 14th, West Virginia Republicans will be electing delegates to our State Convention. Once this process is completed a list of elected delegates will then provide a much clearer picture of the distribution of delegates that will actually take part on the 5th of February.

I remained uncommitted until after the completion of county delegate registration on 30 November, I then officially went with Huckabee. I have been assisting his efforts since October, for those of you who like to browse through Federal Candidate Campaign filings, but chose to remain uncommitted until the filing closed.

I hope the best man wins, for our sake. The Democrats will bring up everything they can on whoever wins, so as painful as some of this is to watch we need a winner that can withstand this and more from the left and win in November.

Merry Christmas to All

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Divided We Fall

Ron (President Reagan) said there would be times like this.

Groups hope to give push to GOP

New club in Town

It was just a few short months ago when myself and others were lectured about how divisive and counter productive so called groups and organizations like this are to the "team" effort by many of those who are now actively involved in these outfits.

Elections are held every four years and party leadership is chosen by the voters, for better or for worse. We have a State Executive Committee that consists of 150 + members from virtually every walk of life that were elected to do a job. This State Committee includes ALL 55 Republican County Chairman and many of our elected State and local Representatives. If they truly need this much outside assistance then we have much deeper problems than our debt.

The Democtrats must be enjoying this.

Friday, October 05, 2007

"You help me, I'll help you".

Shaffer files precandidacy for assessor position

There are so many things about this that must be said, and will be. We deserve no less!

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Three Bomb Threats Prompt Dismissal of PHS
PHS Bomb Threats Cancel Some Homecoming Events
No Bomb, But No Homecoming, Either
PHS cancels homecoming parade
Students question postponing dance
Bomb threats close Parkersburg High
Another Bomb Threat at PHS
PHS Dismisses School on Monday After More Threats
PHS Student Reactions to Threats
PHS Students Head Back to Class
PHS enacts strict rules after bomb threats
Bomb Threats Create Problems At 911 Center
Officials discuss recent threats
PHS Back to School...Without a Threat
More bomb threats at PHS
BREAKING NEWS: Bomb threat at PSHS
Parkersburg South Threat Procedure
Parkersburg South Principal Speaks Out About Bomb Threat
Bomb threat at South
Bomb Threat at Parkersburg South High School
Parkersburg South H.S. Given "All Clear"
Students, parents adjust to increased security at PHS
Increased security slows start of day at PHS
Wood County BOE Reactions
Somebody should try to slap my hands.
Two arrested in connection with bomb threats
Two arrested in bomb threats
If these kids had committed a "tobacco violation" their names would be "on the record"
City offers $10,000 reward
Two Bomb Threat Arrests
WTAP, Worst Television Any Place continues editorializing the news. "15 year old Man arrested" according to Daybreak
$10,000 Dollar Reward Established
Location of Wednesday PHS Bomb Threat Call Released
Youths won’t be tried as adults

Large Bureaucracies have a difficult time with situations like this. Some folks are finding out for the first time how little say they have over their children when dealing with the public education system. It's a shame to see how many folks are using this as an opportunity to lecture others on how everyone should respond to this type of situation. Parents and some Administrators are choosing sides and publicly chastising parents who exercise personal control over their children, while others are shamelessly using this to get face time and tell us how we should live.

What can we realistically expect though from an organization who only strives to graduate 80%, and less than half of those make it to college. Some kids fall through the cracks, while others are forced out the holes. The saying: the more things change, the more they stay the same certainly applies here, it just cost more and more every year. Thankfully, we in Wood County have options when it comes to this mess.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Who REALLY Represents You

Fun and Enlightening exercise forwarded to me by a local political friend.

If you want to know how mine came out, email me with your results and I will share mine.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

This Democrat Wants to be Your President

A Picture is Worth a Thousands Words

Hillary With a Crook

Hillary With A Patriot and Hero

The Chair Speaks

Political fighting hurts troops

In Jean Grapes’ letter of Sept. 9, she wrote, “The election of 2008 must not be about emotional or moral issues, even though they are important.” You will always find emotional and moral issues when you contemplate the governing of our nation, as did our founding fathers. Morals, values, principles and ethics play an important role in our electoral process. Republicans and Democrats alike have not adhered to the above. I am not happy about that, as I am sure the Democrats are not appreciative of their own who have fallen from grace.

As to Walt Auvil’s letter of Sept. 16, bringing our entire troops home is his solution. along with the aid of media outlets portrayed Gen. Petraeus as a liar and a betrayer. His character assassination was of epic proportion. Neither letter gave an alternative. Everyone can have an opinion; the kicker is to come up with a workable solution. A viable alternative has not come from the national Democrat Party or its leadership in Congress.

I have never seen hatred for a man as projected toward President George W. Bush from various media outlets and books. No doubt this will bring a hailstorm of responses from both sides of the aisle. When entering the military an individual swears allegiance to the commander in chief. In an effort not to jeopardize my progeny’s military mission, let me say I am more aware of what is at stake for our men and women. I would get a little heated over the messages that were being sent to our men and women. Then I would hear, “Don’t forget, Mom, I am fighting for their freedoms, too.” I do not know if I could be as gracious.

Media outlets have gone from reporting the news as it happens to making the news then reporting on it. Making a decision from information provided by the media is a thing of the past. The integrity of some of our media outlets has come into question. The phrase “the pen is mightier than the sword” was never meant to have evolved to this. I believe all media outlets have a responsibility to report the news truthfully, without bias .

Beverly G. Lockhart, Parkersburg

EDITOR’S NOTE: Beverly Lockart is chairman of the Wood County Republican Executive Committee.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Registration Update

Update on the voter Registration in Wood County:

Republican: 21597

Democrat: 21621

Also you can take another one from the D and put it under the R. I was checking on an individual who I had helped him and his wife switch a few months ago and he had not been properly updated in the system, imagine that! So that brings the difference to 22.

Many of us remember when we were 2500+ behind just a few short years ago. Something is happening that the local media is ignoring, we Republicans just aren't as much out of public favor as some would like you to believe.

*If you know someone who has switched registration please follow-up and ask them if they received a new Voter Registration Card from the County Clerk. That's how I caught this one.*

I'm Speechless...for now

Hoppy's Commentary For Friday

--State Republican Party Chairman Doug McKinney confesses he would vote for Democratic State Supreme Court Justice Spike Maynard in the General Election if there were only one Republican on the ballot. Two seats are open in 2008. McKinney adds that fellow Republicans may “throw me out of the party for that, but you have to give the guy his due.” McKinney says “history will prove him to be the best Supreme Court Justice West Virginia has ever had.”

My thoughts: Maybe our Chairman will prove to be a great prognosticator.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Rumors are True

Fred Thompson campaign announces state director for West Virginia

An exciting challenge and a change of pace

"Naturally, these new duties require me to sever my official ties with the state party and the state GOP convention."

"My biggest hope is that Republicans in West Virginia can come through this process without creating bitterness or divisiveness, and that we all rally enthusiastically behind the eventual nominee."

My thoughts: I haven't really decided what I think about the way things are beginning to play out here in West Virginia with the change to a convention, but let me say it is starting to remind me of intra-squad scrimmages back in my football days. Most of us couldn't wait to play the opposing team and really put it to them, but then there were always a handful of individuals that just loved to show off for the coach and beat up on one another. We have ten teams choosing up sides within our own larger team. I hope everyone makes it through practice and to the real contest in November.

Cut and Run Crowd Wrong!

Neville Chamberlain was wrong in 1938 and so are the cut and run crowd in 2007.

The head of the Wood County Democrat Committee is on a long rampage again in yet another letter, this one in the September 9th paper. She even quoted one of the great 20th century "intellectuals" Pat Buckhannon and the loser John Kerry.

I supported President Bush in 2000 and 2004 and still do! I can only count our blessings that the challenges of the last six years were not faced by the likes of Gore or Kerry! The President made mistakes, so did other war presidents--Washington, Lincoln, FDR, et al. War is not only hell it is also almost unmanageable. I took Military Science and always thought it was an oxymoron.

The President is fighting the Islamo-Fascists on all fronts he can (and where the Dems don't block him). The primary job of the Federal Government is National Defense. Practically everything else should be left to the local governments and the people.

Al-Qaeda is our enemy, not President Bush. Wake up or we'll all be in deep doo doo, Madam Chairman! What chutzpah by the Dem chair to write her letter the week of 9-11.

Allen Ross

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Bush PR can’t alter Iraq facts

Will the local GOP folks elected to represent the Party please respond!

Walt Auvil is the Chairman of the Wood County Democrat Executive Committee, which the News conveniently omitted. The time for hand holding and singing in Wood County is over, we need ACTION. We on the Wood County Republican Executive Committee need to wake up, before we measure our losses at the ballot box in a few short months.

On Sept. 10, Gen. David Petraeus, commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, began delivering his much-ballyhooed report to Congress and the nation of the state of the “surge” in Iraq and his view of the way forward there. Except—as usual with this administration—the whole thing was a stage-managed fraud, cooked up by the Bush PR machine. A fraud most major media outlets echo and perpetuate.

If only Bush’s opponents in Iraq were as spineless, toothless and gullible as the major U.S. media we would have achieved “mission accomplished” there long ago. Iraqis—and our troops—however have the misfortune to largely be in Iraq—outside the convenient bubble of unreality surrounding the U.S.

The Iraq they live in has lost 2.5 million of its citizens—refugees from the violence, of whom less than a thousand have been accepted into the U.S. Two million more have been “internally displaced,” which means driven from their homes by ethnic cleansing and/or U.S. attacks, but lacking the means to escape the country. Thirty percent of equipment the U.S. has issued to Iraqi “security forces” is unaccounted for, including 110,000 AK47 assault rifles and 80,000 pistols. And, 655,000 Iraqis are dead due to the violence as of mid-summer 2007.

Despite the fact one in every $10 spent by the U.S. government is spent on Iraq (approximate total projected bill of $1 trillion; $200,000 a minute) Baghdad “enjoys” approximately 1-2 hours a day of electricity (with heat not less than 100 degrees during the summer). There were four complete nationwide blackouts during July. Of 17 major power lines to Baghdad, two are operating. Two-thirds of all Iraqis have no access to clean drinking water.

No amount of PR can alter the facts for those living in Iraq. The cost of deploying a U.S. soldier in Iraq is $390,000 a year. The cost in human suffering for our troops, Iraqis and the families of both is incalculable. And one more: The cost of bringing a U.S. soldier home is $627.80.

Walt Auvil -- Parkersburg
*My thoughts: I'm actually disappointed with Walter. This diatribe could have been concocted from any piece of propaganda. Walt is beginning to sound like a George Soros clone.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Local Leaders Silent

Taint of scandal is damaging GOP

Where is the Party....Who Speaks for us!

And for those who thought that the event in the City Park was just a friendly thing to do, I give you Joe Delong. After the Democrat organized party building event in the City Park that was well attended by local Republicans and Democrats I'm sure Joe feels very welcome and embolden in Wood County. It would have been great if Wood County could have found a candidate to run when Betty steps down, instead we are rolling out the red carpet for her replacement!

Local Democrats (and others) come out Swinging for '08

Monday, August 13, 2007

Bob Gould's passing a shock to WV GOP & Dems

Sen. Donna Boley, a longtime Gould friend and supporter, told The Associated Press, "He was just a good friend, an intelligent guy, very politically astute."

Complete story at Republican Gazette

Huntington Herald-Dispatch







FROM 4:00 TO 8:00 P.M.


Pleasants County, Wood County, Roane County, Wirt County and Tyler County Republican Executive Committee Members and Spouses, as well as, County Republican Women Organizations and Spouses, or a friend, are all invited:

To attend, The 3rd Senatorial District 2nd Annual Picnic, to be held at the Camp site of Donna Boley and her husband, Jack Boley, in Friendly, Tyler County, West Virginia (see directions below).

We have invited back this year John and Liz Raese, and Chris and Jeannette Wakim and both couples will be in attendance.

Also, an invitation will be extended to include the following Incumbents and their Spouses: 3rd Senatorial District – Senator J. Frank Deem, Wood County, 6th Delegate District – Delegate Wm. Roger Romine, Tyler County, 7th Delegate District – Delegate Lynwood “Woody” Ireland, Ritchie County, 8th Delegate District – Delegate Bill Anderson, Wood County, 9th Delegate District – Delegate Larry Border, Wood County, 10th Delegate District - Delegate Tom Azinger and Delegate John Ellem, Wood County, and 11th Delegate District – Delegate Bob Ashley, Roane County.

Donna and Jack Boley will furnish the hamburgers and hot dogs, as well as, the buns, drinks, eating utensils, paper products, etc., and all you are asked to bring is your favorite covered dish – such as a dessert, bake beans, potato salad, macaroni salad, etc., and please bring lawn chairs. They have two grills set up on the pavilion and this event will proceed rain or shine.

Please R.S.V.P., no later than Thursday, August 23, 2007, and let us know whether or not you will be attending, how many and what you will be bringing, by contacting either Beverly G. Lockhart, Wood County Republican Executive Committee – Chair, at (304) 424-7041, or e-mail her at, and/or Senator Donna Boley, Pleasants County Republican Executive Committee – Chair, at (304) 684-3266, or e-mail her at

We look forward to fellowship with you, trading ideas, looking towards the future in 2008 and building for a greater tomorrow in the Republican Party. This promises to be a great time for all, so please give us a call and tell us you are coming.

Directions: Go North on Route 2 – through St. Marys (Pleasants County) – to Friendly, Tyler County, WV. As you exit Friendly (Tyler County) watch on your left – you will see a closed Church. Turn towards the River at the Church, and go across the railroad tracks – turn right – go to Lot No. 27 – (Jack and Donna Boley).

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

No Hino Deal for Fenton! Pay up or Sell!

Fenton Glass owes $230K in back taxes

Officials with tax office said the business has until Nov. 13 to pay the real estate taxes owed or risk the property being put up for sale by the county. The personal property tax owed would be handled by the Wood County Assessor’s Office and the state.

“Cash has been utilized for more current needs, such as labor and material costs, and we are continuing to work on restructuring”said George Fenton, president of Fenton Art Glass.

Wow, so we are going to sell Fenton to pay for HINO. I would think with all the breaks that Toyota was given there ought to be something that Wood County can do for Fenton, other than sell their facility to the highest bidder. Sure wouldn't want this to happen on my watch if I were an Elected Official. Not a real resume builder or something that folks forget easily.

I will be posting more on this tragedy as it develops.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Stockholm syndrome in our Legislature

Is there a Stockholm syndrome for politicians?

The more I talk with some of our Republicans, the more I am convinced of the existence of such an affliction.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

West Virginia Regains Familiar Position

Governor disappointed by state rank

"West Virginia is ranked at the bottom of Forbes Magazine’s list of the best states to do business. The list put out recently ranked the Mountain State 50th on its annual list, dropping one spot from last year to now trail Louisiana."

Even the worst disaster to hit Louisiana since the War of Northern Aggression (Civil War) couldn't keep them in our spot for long. As I have said for many years now, West Virginia has three possibilities to get out of the bottom and stay there.

  • Puerto Rico becomes our 51st State

  • We are reunified with the Commonwealth of Virginia

  • A sustained Republican takeover of the three branches of State government

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Local Republicans Speak Out

Rocky Peck, who was chairman of the Wood County Republican Party during the 2004 campaign, said Ireland was to be a player in future Republican Party politics.

If Gov. Joe Manchin either runs for the U.S. Senate or appoints himself to replace Sen. Bob Byrd when a vacancy occurs, Rep. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., would run for governor and Ireland would run for Congress, Peck said. Another possibility was she could run for state Senate for the seat held by Vic Sprouse, R-Kanawha, who isn’t running for re-election, he said.

‘‘That’s kind of been the rumors,’’ Peck said.

Bob Fish of Wood County, a vice president of the West Virginia Republican Party, cited Ireland’s service and respects her decision for personal reasons..

‘‘I think Betty has done an outstanding job as secretary of state,’’ he said.

New Williamstown Lions Club President

Congratulations to Lenny & Linda Rabatin. Lenny is a former Vice Chairman of the Wood County Republican Executive Committee and served for many productive and prosperous years with his wife Linda. The Lions Club gain is our loss.
Lenny and Linda still live in Williamstown, not Vienna as stated in this article.

Monday, July 09, 2007

GOP parachutes please


It is our vision and our goal to further the Republican Principles and Philosophy throughout our area and to be the torch bearer for our City, our County, our State and our Nation. Come, join us and contribute to the furtherance of our vision and goals as we jointly strive together to blaze new trails for the Republican Party.

During 2007, the Wood County Republican Executive Committee will meet every other third (3rd) Tuesday of the Month at 7:30 o’clock p.m., for our Regular Meeting as per our By-Laws and on the off months all Sub-Committees and Committees of the Wood County Republican Executive Committee will meet on the off Month, on the third (3rd) Tuesday of each off Month at 7:30 o’clock p.m., we encourage each and every one of you to attend and work with our Republican Party here in Wood County, West Virginia.



Wood County Republican Executive Committee

(304) 424-7041 Hm.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Ron Paul on the Radar

Only in America and only under a bizarre set of circumstances would this be possible, but the Republican Primary could be just what Ron Paul ordered.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Work'in for the Man ain't that Bad

Being one of the decreasing number of people on my street with West Virgina plates on my two luxury vehicles (18 year old van and 8 year old jeep) I'm glad my property taxes are helping out.

Employee exercise program cost Wood County $6,113

It's always nice to see folks receiving services or benefits with public funds that the average contributor can't afford for themselves. The main profiteers of this program are the administrators, it's always helpful to the cause to give away goodies, especially when it's not out of your own pocket. When you're helping folks that help you when needed, it's a win win. Money speaks loudly to some in Wood County, and if you do as told, you too can get in line!

"Show me the MONEY"

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Why not Fenton Too? Who's Next!

Fenton plans to restructure, could be sold

Asked if this could mean closure of the century-old glass factory, Fenton said, “We’re trying not to do that.
“This has to do with financing and cost structure, and involves a variety of options that we’re considering,” he said. “But there’s nothing firm at this time.”

Looks like Fenton Glass will be the first of many local companies to ask for a similar break to the HINO Deal, and why not. Already folks are asking the Assessor how much more money will we have to spend from this deal, if any!

Officials: Hino financial impact on schools not known

By "impact" they mean new money into the coffers. By the time the county receives revenue from HINO, it will most likely just off set departing businesses tired of buying their own equipment and paying the full tax burden.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

High on HINO

"In addition to the buying property adjacent to Hino, Burdette said the Wood County Commission will approve an abatement of property taxes on the facilities equipment, meaning the equipment will not be taxed.

The state is spending $5 million to purchase equipment for the Hino plant and then leasing it to the company for 15 years".

So far sounds similar to the deal Toyota cut in Mason County. While local small businesses struggle to pay these taxes others make a deal. Many local companies simply leave West Virginia and locate elsewhere, many times just across the border to avoid taxes on new equipment needed to expand.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Taxing Land "Into Use"

Better ways to tax property

"Real estate taxes should relate to the minimal needs of a highly efficient government. In many cases taxes are being raised because our neighbors find a way to sell their property for an exorbitant price to an unsuspecting victim".
Jim Weigle, Parkersburg News & Sentinel

Mr. Weigle makes several points in his Letter to the Editor that are of interest. This is happening to more and more folks around Wood County, especially those in areas that have seen commercial development. Rosemar road is a prime example, I feel sorry for folks that have lived in a house or on a small piece of land for years and find out that a business has paid commercial value for the hill or ditch next to them.

Red White & Blue Republican Picnic

What a View

A Beautiful Day on the Ohio River

Lots of Familiar Faces

Plenty of Food, Drinks and Desert!

And of Course, The Band with a Great Variety of Music

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Letters to the editor

The “Voter Appreciation” event at City Park Sunday was covered by the paper as a non-partisan event. (Unfortunately some of our fine GOP elected officials were snookered.) The bipartisan label is difficult to understand when the article in advance was all about the Democrats who were running the event.

Walking by the event I saw the featured billboard-bus with its campaign signs for a Democrat running for Secretary of State in 2008, Democrats purchased and gave out 200 Democrat campaign T-shirts that folks were wearing, Democrats paid for the food and the good country band brought in from Charleston who were wearing Democrat campaign shirts, major Democrat state officeholders from the Democrat-dominated Legislature and judicial branch were featured, etc.

This event was obviously a successful campaign event for Democrats in 2008. I suppose the Vast Democrat Establishment feels they need even more Democrats in office and are targeting Wood County. After 79 years of Democrat State Legislative and Judicial Control and 90-plus percent of the time control of all executive positions they feel they want 100 percent. With our state of West Virginia ranking 50th or 49th in every important national rating, guess who has to take responsibility?

Allen Ross


Friday, June 15, 2007

Ask and Ye Shall Receive


New organizations requesting funding Tuesday were:

  • Parkersburg Art Center
  • Wood County Historical Society
  • Blennerhassett Historical Foundation
  • Parkersburg Actors Guild
  • Mid-Ohio Valley Regional Airport Authority
  • Veterans' Museum
  • Williamstown pool
  • West Virginia Automobile Museum
  • Juliana-Ann Street Historical District.

Couch said all of the funding requests are worthy causes. He said he estimated that organizations requested 108 percent of the hotel tax proceeds during Tuesday's meeting.

Vienna City Council backs hotel tax hike

Councilman Roger Bibbee said it is important to note that the average Vienna resident won’t be affected by the increased tax.
“A lot of people are concerned and didn’t realize that this is not being imposed on residents, only the users of the facilities,” Bibbee said.

Nohe said he is hopeful city council will approve the increase.

"People in the hotel business in the city have actually asked us to pass it," Nohe said. "In Vienna, we’re not big on increasing taxes, but this seems like pretty smooth sailing since they’ve asked us to."

My Thoughts:
This thing is starting to look like a County form of the outlawed West Virginia Budget Digest.

The idea that this "user fee" is being imposed on a non-resident, and therefore not a local voter makes it OK is the same philosophy that the gambling industry is using to justify their cause. Tourists are fair game to local governments, but these are the kinds of little things that continue to keep West Virginia at the bottom.

I know this is a radical thought, especially anywhere in West Virginia, but let's suppose that the natural laws of competition were in place in this situation, which make no mistake, they are not. If a Community in Wood County were allowed to reject this tax without sinking the big plans of all of those who expect to receive this loot, they would be at a competitive advantage over the surrounding hotels and would probably fill more rooms. At the end of the year, that hotel would see an increase in business, revenue, and jobs and that Community could actually see an increase in total revenue from the lower tax rate. Those additional occupants would more than likely spend their money close to that renegade facility thereby leaving more of their money in that community, which is what tourists are suppose to do I'm told.

I wish I could take credit for this concept that is proven to work, but of course I can't. New ideas take awhile to make it here, they always have, and old habits are hard to break.


Word is out the the County Commission is coming into a little more CASH, actually a lot of CASH, approximately $200,000 + expected from the user fee increase that was passed just a week ago, doubling it from 3% to 6%. User fee is a creative way of referring to a tax increase. Last year the taxes collected from this dropped $14,376 from the previous year, despite the increasing number of motel /hotel rooms in the county.

First of many groups and worthwhile organizations that will attempt to tap this CASH. I am a bit surprised that some folks are in line so quick for this new money, (actually before it is even official) almost makes one wonder if they knew it was going to be available.

"We are asking for some of the county’s hotel/motel tax to keep the doors open and the lights on."
Greg Smith (not me), Actors Guild

Let's go back to a few comments made concerning this tax increase when it was introduced recently.
"The plan is to use virtually the entire increase for more marketing and advertising for the area."
Steve Nicely, President, Greater Parkersburg Convention and Visitors Bureau

"Because the funds go toward attracting more people to Wood County, I will make a motion we raise the hotel/motel tax to 6 percent, contingent on all municipalities within the county raising theirs."

Commissioner David Blair Couch

"This (the hotel tax) is a user fee paid by visitors."

Commissioner Rick Modesitt

Here is how this money is currently distributed:

  • Greater Parkersburg Convention and Visitors Bureau 53%
  • Artsbridge 4%
  • Belleville Homecoming 0.5%
  • Oil and Gas Museum 1.5%
  • Parkersburg News and Sentinel Half Marathon 2%
  • Parkersburg Homecoming 2%
  • Smoot Theatre 4.5%
  • Mountwood Park 18%
  • West Virginia Interstate Fair & Exposition 9%
  • Veterans/Fort Boreman Park 5%
  • Mid-Ohio Valley Multi-Cultural Festival 0.5%

Average Tax Rate

  • Total Tax on a Hotel Room (incl. hotel room tax, sales taxes, etc.): 12.2%
    Average Hotel Room Tax: 6.7%
    Average Sales Tax on a Hotel Room: 5.5%
  • Total Tax on a Car Rental: (incl. rental tax, sales tax, etc.): 11.7%
  • Special Restaurant Tax (excl. sales tax): 2.7%

How the Hotel Room Tax is Used

  • On average, 55% of the hotel room tax monies collected is allocated to the CVB.
  • Slightly more than one-third of destinations use hotel room tax monies for convention center purposes (operations, construction, debt service).
  • 11% of destinations allocate hotel room tax revenue to arenas and sport facilities.

source: Destination Marketing Association International

Here is a link to remind folks what other Republicans had to say about Senator Bob Dole and his history of tax increases.

Bob Dole likes to Raise Taxes

A Collection of GOP Remarks on Dole's Record of Increasing Taxes

Republican Picnic

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

What Will They Think of Next

Officials consider precinct changes

PARKERSBURG — Political party executive committeemen will be affected by a proposed realignment of the boundaries of 42 voting precincts in Wood County.

......and Greg Smith of Vienna, a Republican, will see his district change from B-2 to B-3.

"So if those three individuals (executive committee members listed above) choose to run again for office in 2010, they will have to run from another district because they will no longer live in the district they are serving right now," Ross said.

They will continue to serve out their time in their current district, but these three will live in a different district after the move, and that will have an affect on who will be running for the next election," Ross explained.

My thought:
Magisterial District B-3 is currently occupied by Robert Hammond, although the last time he actually ran for his seat on the Wood County Republican Executive Committee was 2002 when he lived in Parkersburg and was elected to represent District A-3, which under WV code 3-1-9 as revised by Senate Bill 607 will no longer be legal.

This small bit of information isn't known to many and omitted by others, so I am being moved into a District that is occupied and more than likely I will have another contested race next election.

Let me say that having successfully defended my current seat on the WCREC for the past 13 years, and most recently against Dr. Fred Gillespie in 2006, I look forward to the 2010 election cycle and hope that my vacated seat in Vienna District B-2 will be filled and utilized to the advancement of our Republican Party.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Local Democrats (and others) come out Swinging for '08


’’It’s a great party,’’ said Delegate Tom Azinger, R-Wood

Sen. Donna Boley, R-Pleasants, said the event gave her a chance to speak with many of her constituents and listen to what they had to say

Plenty of "Strong with Joe Delong" tee shirts given out at this non-partisan event. Joe is the Majority Whip in the WV House of Delegates and is running for WV Secretary of State, the office currently held by our Republican Betty Ireland.

When the @#%& hits the fan next year during the 2008 Presidential election, as it always does, maybe some of your new found friends will help you. It is more likely that one of the folks you had your picnic with will be the one to do you in, given the chance. When the negative radio spot pops up, or the union supported effort for your opponent begins where ya gonna go?

Democrats had an enjoyable and well attended event

They had a good crowd and plenty of local and Statewide Democrat support.
Along with some others that I hope were just lost! *ugh*

I didn't want to jump to conclusions, but I had it confirmed tonight (19 June) that there were more party goers. There was no intent on my part to not include all. My apology to Commissioner Modesitt and friends for bringing this unintended oversight to my attention.

Do you suppose Delegate Poling will be attending our Republican Picnic in 13 days (in case you haven't heard we are having a picnic)...Fat Chance!

Delegate to host ‘Voter Appreciation Day’ at park

Looks like the Democrats are bringing all they have for the 2008 election. I do sincerely hope the WCREC has something to offer our elected officials and candidates this election cycle, if we have ever needed a strong effective Republican organization it will be in '08.

"The first 200 people to attend will receive a free T-shirt. Poling is expecting from 300-400 people."

"Poling (said) various volunteer groups have called more than 2,000 registered voters in Wood County, inviting them to this event."

This is pretty much how you do stuff like this, it's not complicated!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

WVGOP Announces Its Presidential Nominating Convention‎

In Case You Missed It…
Yesterday, the West Virginia Republican Presidential Convention announced the details of its presidential nominating convention on February 5, 2008. Here's a few articles recapping the announcement.

The Hill: Victory in W. Va. could spread to other states
"The West Virginia GOP could announce its pick for president by 2:30 p.m. Eastern time on Feb. 5, potentially giving that candidate a boost in states where polls close hours later. More than a dozen states have moved their primaries to so-called Super Duper Tuesday, including delegate-rich California, New York and New Jersey. West Virginia's unique nominating convention could make a lot of noise during the traditional tedium of Election Day. While the state is not on the tip of most pundits' tongues, that could change if a winner is announced as early as 11:30 a.m. on the West Coast….Read more at:

In the latest effort by a state to increase its significance in the presidential nominating process, West Virginia Republicans held a conference call with reporters earlier today to discuss their brand-new presidential convention, which will be held on Tsunami Tuesday, February 5, 2008. The hook is that the results of the winner-take-all convention will be known as late as 4:00 pm ET that day -- meaning it will be the first of the 20-odd Tsunami Tuesday states to report its results. "It will be something that will be interesting to people in West Virginia," said Robert Fish, CEO of the state's presidential convention.
Read more at:

Parkersburg News and Sentinel: GOP makes radical changes
In an effort to have more say in the presidential primary election Republican party officials have made significant changes to their 2008 state convention. "As you know, many of the states are looking at the process in order to see how they can be effective in influencing the ultimate choosing of president," state Republican official Bob Fish said. "This move allows us to make a decision while there is still a decision to be made." In 2000, 16 states held primaries on Super Tuesday, the largest presidential primary election day in U.S. history. Fish said the 2008 "Super Duper Tuesday," will have 23 states holding primary elections, including West Virginia, which he referred to as a "tipping point state." Read more at:

Wheeling Intelligencer: W.Va. GOP To Have Early Voice in 2008
West Virginia will be the sixth state to weigh in on the 2008 Republican presidential nomination, and the first to announce its choice on the new "Super Duper Tuesday." National attention — as well as Republican presidential candidates and their campaign dollars — should be focused on West Virginia Feb. 5, 2008, when the first-ever State GOP Presidential Convention happens in Charleston. State Democrats will meet in April to select their nominee. The state Republican convention begins at 9 a.m. on Feb. 5, with the final selection announced as early as noon and probably no later that 4:30, said state GOP Presidential Convention Chairman Bob Fish. West Virginia will be the first state to make its presidential selection on Super Duper Tuesday. Read more at:

Republican Gazette: West Virginia Republicans will cast first votes in the nation for president
Republicans in West Virginia will cast the first votes for president in the entire nation because of the GOP's move to a state convention format for selecting delegates to the national convention. Prior to the Feb. 5 state convention, county conventions and online voting for delegates to the state convention will begin Jan. 1, meaning Republicans at the county level will be casting votes for president before anyone else in the country. Read more at:

National Journal's Hotline: WEST VIRGINIA (2/5 GOP caucuses; 5/13 primary): The Early Bird Picks The Nominee?
The WV GOP may choose its WH nominee by 2:30 p.m. EST 2/5, "potentially giving that candidate a boost in states where polls close later." Convention chief exec. Robert Fish: "I believe it can have a big impact. ... This can give a winning characteristic to one of the campaigns." …UMich prof. John Jackson says evidence from Jimmy Carter's early concession in '80 "suggests that if West Coast voters think the race is over, they are less likely to turn out." He "added that on a day when reporters and network news producers are twiddling their thumbs and begging for news before the polls close, the... announcement will be like food to a starving village" (Youngman, The Hill, 6/7).

West Virginia MetroNews: GOP To Hold Convention
The Republican Party in West Virginia is looking to earn a little publicity come "Super Duper Tuesday" February, 5th 2008. Super Duper Tuesday will be when close to 20 states will hold their primary elections and party nominations for president will be revealed. However in West Virginia the Republican Party will hold the first presidential nominating convention in the state. They will be electing 18 of 30 delegates who will represent West Virginia in Minneapolis at the presidential convention next August. Read more at:

WTAP News: G.O.P. State Convention
"It provides such a huge amount of grass roots input, with county caucuses, the opportunity for any West Virginian to be a delegate to this convention," says convention C.E.O. Bob Fish, "the opportunity for the national media interest we believe is going to bring to it, really helps West Virginia help claim its rightful position as a 'tipping point' state." Read more at:

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Aim High

Congratulation to the Teachers, Staff and of course the Students at Wood County Christian School.

"All 23 members of the graduating class are attending college next year"

The Federal Government has been involved in public education formally since 1965 with Title I, the sacred cow of modern public education in America. Various programs such as a 1000 Points of Light, Goals 2000, School-to-Work and now No Child Left Behind have left the public schools struggling to meet a goal of graduating 80% from the 12th grade. For the amount of money that is spent per child the tax payers deserve better.

However, as history continues to be rewritten daily and the politically correct society that dominates the direction of our culture continues to push public eduction further and further away from many of the things that made us what we are as a Nation and a People I doubt that things will change anytime soon.

Friday, May 18, 2007

I Thought Gamblers were Tourists

National group alarmed over W.Va. problem-gambler plans

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. (AP) - The National Council on Problem Gambling may consider rerouting hot line callers away from West Virginia's treatment program, if the Lottery Commission keeps pursuing its plan to take control of the state's highly regarded service.

The Lottery's bid to bypass public health officials and directly oversee the state's Problem Gamblers Help Network is "extraordinarily troubling" and "almost unprecedented," said Keith Whyte, executive director of the Washington, D.C.-based council.

The only state to attempt something similar _ Arizona, about six years ago_ did so with disastrous results, he said Wednesday.

"The industry has an important role to play in responsible gaming. But there has always been, for very obvious reasons, a line between industry and treatment," he said. The Lottery's plan "obliterates that wall."

Entities that promote gambling cannot effectively counsel gamblers who become hooked, Whyte said. Nor is the Lottery professionally or ethically equipped, he said, to deal with the mental health, medical and confidentiality issues surrounding addiction.

Though calls to the national hot line are now routed to West Virginia counselors, Whyte said that could change.

"Never in history has a gaming operator had direct access to treatment data and, potentially, treatment decisions," he said. "It's hard to construct even a commonsense argument why it's good for a gambling operator to offer treatment. It's unheard of.

"The Problem Gamblers Help Network provides unique, customized treatment on demand to callers to its toll-free hot line. It has counseled more than 5,000 gamblers and their families in seven years, assigning local counselors, scheduling appointments and following up on visits within 24 hours.

The Lottery wants the Department of Health and Human Resources to stop administering the $1.5 million program on July 1, when the current contract expires. Required by law to fund the program, the Lottery would then begin paying providers directly.

A request for proposals for the next contract would remove DHHR _ and its annual $150,000 cut _ from the equation. But the change is being made through the state purchasing system, out of sight of legislators and others.

First Choice Health Systems, which has run the network for DHHR, filed the only bid by Wednesday's deadline for the next year of services.

Both the Lottery and the DHHR say the change is purely administrative and a more efficient way to process bills. Critics, however, allege a conflict of interest that breaks down the checks and balances ensuring good government.

The Catholic Conference of West Virginia and the West Virginia Council of Churches have joined addictions counselors in raising concerns about what they call an alarming case of micromanaging.

"No one of good will wants the Lottery Commission to be in the 'fox running the hen house' situation," Monsignor Edward Sadie wrote in a May 7 letter to Gov. Joe Manchin that laid out proposed changes to the Lottery's bidding criteria.

Sadie urged the state to rework the proposed contract the Lottery will award for problem gambler services and allow the DHHR's Bureau of Behavorial Health "to do its supervisory job.

"Whyte, meanwhile, said his organization is not antigambling; its board includes employees of the gambling industry.

But West Virginia's plan is "so poorly thought out, so theoretically flawed, so counter to everything we know in 35 years of helping problem gamblers, that it frankly calls into question everything they do," he said.

"Much of the public support for gambling rests on the perception that the state is making a good faith effort to minimize the harm," he said.

If the Lottery alters that perception, it will be harming not only gamblers but itself.

"As gambling becomes a bigger and bigger source of state revenue, the only way it's going to be sustainable is to have a professional, independent, objective oversight body," he said. "This is just the tip of the iceberg."

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Wood County RINO Hunt

Stick'in it to the Tourist....Open for Business

It's frustrating sometimes to watch government in action. Parkersburg City Council fell into line last evening and approved the Hotel tax increase, what a shock. Lot's of folks think the BIG Oil companies get together and determine the price of gasoline, which is what governments do all the time with taxation.

Parkersburg should consider making their elections non-partisan, at least then Republicans wouldn't be trying to explain to each other why Republicans are unanimously voting to raise our taxes. Don't forget these folks when they run for higher office later, as many of them have high hopes and plans to equal their high opinions of themselves. If they will do this here, you can bet they will in Charleston or wherever it is they aspire to "serve".

I have been curious for awhile, wondering why these folks would get involved in our local Party election last year and help determine the outcome by a vote. If they thought this would spare them criticism from other Republicans they were sadly mistaken. Some of us still know a RINO when we see one and don't mind pointing them out, before they do us all more damage.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Little Hocking/Porterfield Ramada Inn Opening SOON

Commission OKs hotel tax increase

Looks like this new tax will be in place just as the new bridge completing the Route 50 bypass west opens. A fellow Republican told me it could have been worse, I said how's that. He said well the Democrats would have raised it 12% if the law would let them. @#&%

Maybe an excise tax on Entertainment production, Dairy farms and Automobile rental should be considered!

Possibly collecting taxes on some of the folks who live in West Virginia and have Ohio tags on their vehicles to avoid paying taxes. I know this is unpopular with the assessor, but that's no reason not to enforce the law until it is changed the way you think it should be. I'm sure I'm missing the BIG picture here.

A Brokered Convention?

from Elephant Biz

Newt Gingrich thinks the crowded presidential field in both parties, combined with the rush of so many states to hold early primaries, could result in one or both parties facing a brokered convention - something that hasn't happened in decades.

He made it sound oh-so plausible in an interview with NBC News:

Here is a prediction: there are two possibilities after February 5th, and nobody understands this yet. Possibility One is that we have nominated somebody in both parties. Possibility Two is we have locked in four or five candidates in both parties, and we will have the first brokered convention since 1952. There is no reason to believe any one person is going to win a majority in twenty five states the same day, and it's more likely that their consultants are gonna say, 'Okay, Romney is going to go to Michigan and Utah and Massachusetts. And you know Giuliani is going to go to New York and California. And McCain is going to go to Florida. And Thompson, if he gets in, is going to do Tennessee, South Carolina, and Georgia.'
"You're suddenly going to have three, four, five, or six candidates with delegates. Now why would they drop out? There are no more primaries. They have no great reason to drop out. And you're just going to have a total mess. This thing is going to blow up. I think the odds are even money. It either will lead to a nominee in both parties, which is unlikely – ‘cause nobody is anywhere close to 50%. Or it will lead to the first brokered conventions since 1952."

Sounds like fun.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Noah, Ham and Rehab

Let me first say I am not a fan of either Hasselhoff or Baldwin, but I feel compelled to comment, and after all, what else is a blog for. The Bible is full of all kinds of examples for folks to use to draw from, however the one that I am going to use is one of the least used for many reasons.

In both of the situations above these individuals had an issue in their private lives made public by a child. In Hasselhoffs' case the circumstances definitely involve the over consumption of alcohol, not sure if Baldwin has blamed the booze yet or not.

Genesis 9

20 Noah, a man of the soil, proceeded [a] to plant a vineyard. 21 When he drank some of its wine, he became drunk and lay uncovered inside his tent. 22 Ham, the father of Canaan, saw his father's nakedness and told his two brothers outside. 23 But Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it across their shoulders; then they walked in backward and covered their father's nakedness. Their faces were turned the other way so that they would not see their father's nakedness.
24 When Noah awoke from his wine and found out what his youngest son had done to him, 25 he said, "Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers."
26 He also said, "Blessed be the LORD, the God of Shem! May Canaan be the slave of Shem. [b]
27 May God extend the territory of Japheth [c] ; may Japheth live in the tents of Shem, and may Canaan be his [d] slave."

As you can read there are several controversial and politically incorrect issues covered here, but as you can see, Noah was very angry for the way his child handled the situation. Today Noah would most likely be publicly humiliated and forced into rehab, Ham would just be doing his service to society as he saw it and most likely would be offered trauma counseling and social intervention. I also find it interesting that there is no mention of punishment against Noah for his drunkenness.