Thursday, March 20, 2008

Legacy of Bob Hammond

Many of you may have never heard of or much less seen this elusive individual, since he has only been to one (1) meeting in the last 4 years, but oh what an influence his emergence left us with back in 2006. The "Hammond Effect" prompted the West Virgina State Legislature to enact SB 607 during the 2007 Legislative session. No longer will Executive Committees be influenced by folks who haven't run for their position in years, or in many cases even live in the Precinct, County or State. These folks can no longer be located, manipulated and directed to determine elections and the future course of business. Better late than never!
I was told all my life that nothing good ever becomes of ill begotten gains. This has become the most instructive example of this that I have personally been a part of. I want to thank everyone involved for this experience. It has reinforced my ideals and way of dealing with situations, the ends do not always justify the means, even in politics.
I will be attending the Republican National Convention as a voting member of the West Virginia Delegation. Most all die hard political folks want to at least attend a National Convention once in their life. I was fortunate, in Charleston at the State GOP Convention I was the beneficiary of events. Life has a way of making things right if you stay focused and do the right things. Thank You one and all for these experiences and those yet to come!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Huckabee Delegates Bring Your Sleeping Bags to St. Paul

From: The Republican Gazette

In recent history, Republicans elected as delegates to the national convention were empowered to select their own alternate delegates, and most people were under the impression that the situation
was the same this year.
But as detailed Saturday by Chairman Doug McKinney, the state party changed the format in 2006, when the details for the presidential convention were approved.
At least 18 of the WVGOP's 30 delegates to the convention will be representing Mike Huckabee, based on Huckabee's win at the Feb. 5 convention in Charleston. But rather than being able to select their own alternative delegates, the party will instead choose those positions at its June 21 convention in Flatwoods.
State law says at-large delegates will choose their own alternates -- unless the party has a contrary plan of its own on file with the Secretary of State's office.
In fact, the GOP does have such a plan on file, received by the SOS office on Dec. 19, 2007, which states, "Alternate National Delegates as defined by the National Party Rules shall be elected by the State Republican Convention to be held during (the) months of June, July or August of the Convention Year."
The GOP convention referred to in that rule is separate from the presidential convention, and is held every four years to attend to such business as writing the party platform, determining the five individuals who will serve on the Electoral College from West Virginia, hearing from statewide candidates, and dealing with other party matters. Four years ago, the convention was held at Tamarack in Beckley.
Many helped formulate the plan that Mr. Abernathy refers to and are well aware of it's content, but more importantly, it's intent. This will be another opportunity for several in our party to demonstrate their integrity or lack there of. Very important information for future planners, many of whom were out on Saturday like sharks circling their prey.
Stay tuned.