Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Intimidation Attempted by Local Democrat Candidate for House of Delegates

I've been doing this for a number of years and this is a first. As I was driving home from dropping my son off at school around 8 am my cell phone rings and I receive information that a bunch of Democrats are out in front of our Wood County Republican Headquarters at 8th and Avery waving signs and protesting. I immediately head that way to see what is up.

Well sure enough there are about 10-12 union folks from the UPAT in their black and gold union garb all around our HQ on both sides of the street waving Poling for House of Delegate signs. A pickup truck with a large Dan Poling sign is parked across the street in the Levitt's Funeral home lot. I pulled my truck up in the middle of the parking lot with my McCain/Palin signs proudly on display, got out, walked around and snapped a few pictures. Unfortunately my batteries had died in my real camera so I had to use my cell phone so I apologize for the poor quality, but the protesters got the message that this type of thuggery will not go unchallenged.

I contacted the Parkersburg City police and advised them of the disturbance. Our windows were being blocked that showcase our candidate signs and the entrance to our parking lot was partially obstructed. Please call me at anytime if you should witness this or other behavior that is intended to intimidate or scare people from coming to our headquarters to work or get material.

1 comment:

rosswva said...

Should have asked them if they support Barack Obama or if they wanted McCain/Palin stickers.