Sunday, July 08, 2007

Ron Paul on the Radar

Only in America and only under a bizarre set of circumstances would this be possible, but the Republican Primary could be just what Ron Paul ordered.


Roger1776 said...

Ron Paul is just what the doctor ordered!

There is grassroots support for Congressman Paul in WV, even if the state GOP won't admit it.

I'm a West Virginia Republican who supports Ron Paul and has an active online presence, but the state GOP refuses to link to my website.

Here it is. You can make up your own mind:

Roger1776 said...

Thanks for letting me comment.

I suppose I should also have mentioned that the Central WV Ron Paul Meetup Group will be having our next meeting this Saturday, August 18th, at the Panera in Clarksburg. We'll be meeting at 2:00pm, but a few people have said they'll be trickling in late.

I think we have some people coming from the Parkersburg area.

There's also a group in Marietta, which may be more convenient for our Wood County friends. You can find more info on that group here: