Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Wood BOE approves several key issues Tuesday

Wood BOE approves several key issues Tuesday

By MICHAEL ERB, Staff Writer

PARKERSBURG — Several items were approved Tuesday evening during a meeting of the Wood County Board of Education.

The board met at the Caperton Center for Applied Technology and voted on several policies, recommendations and resolutions.

Among the votes was a 3-1 split concerning the school district’s political activity policy, which regulates what activities are prohibited on school campuses and through the district’s inter-office mail system.

Board member Tim Yeater was the dissenting vote, with board member Rick Olcott absent.

Yeater had argued at previous meetings the policy should contain a one-year ban from using the inter-office mail system for any group found in violation of the policy. The policy as approved left any such consequences at the discretion of the superintendent. Yeater did not say why he voted against the policy at Tuesday evening’s meeting.

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