Wednesday, August 05, 2009

State Fundraising Efforts Compaired

A lot has been made about the West Virginia Republican Party's fundraising as of late. Here is a press release from our State Chairman showing how we stack up with surrounding GOP fundraising.

August 3rd, 2009
For Immediate Release
Marti Riggall
West Virginia Republican Party

WV GOP Near Top In Fund Raising
most neighboring states lag behind

Charleston, WV - August 3, 2009 - Despite erroneous reports in the media that the West Virginia Republican Party is having trouble raising money the facts are quite different. Currently the WV GOP ranks second among our neighbors in fund raising efforts per individual. "People sometimes forget we are a small state when looking at the fund raising numbers. You must compare apples to apples," said State Party Chairman Doug McKinney, "West Virginia Republicans are stepping up with contributions at a higher rate than our neighboring states."
According to Federal Election Commission filings the West Virginia Democratic Party has only raised $56,820 as compared to the West Virginia GOP's $90,062 in the same time frame, Democrats out number Republicans in the state nearly 2 to1. Chairman McKinney remarked, "We are out fund raising the Democrats in West Virginia by 3 to 1 on an individual basis. The people know which party can turn the economy around and they are sending their money our way."

Fund raising efforts are on going and with new programs in the works. The state party is looking forward to taking the lead in individual contributions away from Kentucky in the near future.

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