Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Third World Tactics in America

This is something you would expect in Venezuela, not the USA.

U.S. seeks expanded power to seize firms
Goal is to limit risk to broader economy

updated 3:10 a.m. ET, Tues., March. 24, 2009

WASHINGTON - The Obama administration is considering asking Congress to give the Treasury secretary unprecedented powers to initiate the seizure of non-bank financial companies, such as large insurers, investment firms and hedge funds, whose collapse would damage the broader economy, according to an administration document.

Monday, March 23, 2009

WCREC Hosts Michael Zak

Michael Zak

Beverly Lockhart, Chairman of the Wood County Republican Party; Doug Mckinney, Chairman of the West Virginia Republican Party; and WV state Senator Donna Boley

Michael Zak was the Keynote speaker for the Wood County Republican Executive Committee sponsored Lincoln Day Dinner held Saturday evening at the Parkersburg Country Club.

Here are links to the local media coverage so far.

Looking Back for Guidance WTAP

Republicans reflect on history, future of party Parkersburg News & Sentinel