Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Chair Speaks

Political fighting hurts troops

In Jean Grapes’ letter of Sept. 9, she wrote, “The election of 2008 must not be about emotional or moral issues, even though they are important.” You will always find emotional and moral issues when you contemplate the governing of our nation, as did our founding fathers. Morals, values, principles and ethics play an important role in our electoral process. Republicans and Democrats alike have not adhered to the above. I am not happy about that, as I am sure the Democrats are not appreciative of their own who have fallen from grace.

As to Walt Auvil’s letter of Sept. 16, bringing our entire troops home is his solution. along with the aid of media outlets portrayed Gen. Petraeus as a liar and a betrayer. His character assassination was of epic proportion. Neither letter gave an alternative. Everyone can have an opinion; the kicker is to come up with a workable solution. A viable alternative has not come from the national Democrat Party or its leadership in Congress.

I have never seen hatred for a man as projected toward President George W. Bush from various media outlets and books. No doubt this will bring a hailstorm of responses from both sides of the aisle. When entering the military an individual swears allegiance to the commander in chief. In an effort not to jeopardize my progeny’s military mission, let me say I am more aware of what is at stake for our men and women. I would get a little heated over the messages that were being sent to our men and women. Then I would hear, “Don’t forget, Mom, I am fighting for their freedoms, too.” I do not know if I could be as gracious.

Media outlets have gone from reporting the news as it happens to making the news then reporting on it. Making a decision from information provided by the media is a thing of the past. The integrity of some of our media outlets has come into question. The phrase “the pen is mightier than the sword” was never meant to have evolved to this. I believe all media outlets have a responsibility to report the news truthfully, without bias .

Beverly G. Lockhart, Parkersburg

EDITOR’S NOTE: Beverly Lockart is chairman of the Wood County Republican Executive Committee.

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